Senin, 28 Juli 2008


Belakangan ini kian marak pelaksanaan sekolah rumah (homeschooling), yaitu rumah dijadikan tempat pembelajaran anak. Anak-anak itu didampingi dan dibantu orangtua sendiri atau dibantu menguasai pengetahuan/ keterampilan tertentu yang diberikan dalam proses pembelajaran privat.

In recent times increasingly the lustre of the implementation of the home schooling, that is the house was made the place learning process the child. The children were accompanied and helped by parents personally or were helped to control knowledge/certain skills that were given in the learning process private.

Kegiatan sekolah rumah ini jelas merupakan reaksi personal terhadap pelaksanaan pendidikan sekolah formal yang dewasa ini serba kacau dan penuh ketidakpastian. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran di rumah seperti ini tergolong pendidikan keluarga (famili education) yang baik karena tidak menjadi pengganti pendidikan sekolah formal, hanya sekadar berupa pelengkap. Hal ini sudah merupakan gejala biasa dalam proses pendidikan negeri maju di mana semangat kompetitif amat diagung-agungkan.
This activity of the Homeschooling clear was the personal reaction to the implementation of formal schooling that today is very chaotic and is full of the uncertainty. The implementation learning process in the house as this was classified as the family's education that was good because of not becoming the replacement of formal schooling, only took the form of accessories. This has been the normal sign in the process of country education of advancing where the spirit very competitive glorified.

Lain halnya dengan sekolah (pendidikan) di rumah (home schooling ) yang dijadikan pengganti pendidikan formal. Di sini anak tidak lagi mendapat pelajaran di sekolah, tetapi hanya di rumah. Jenis sekolah rumah seperti inilah yang sebaiknya tidak dibiasakan karena bisa merusak pertumbuhan anak menjadi manusia yang bermasyarakat.

It is another matter with the school (education) in the house (home schooling) that was made the replacement of formal education. Here the child no longer receives the lesson in the school, but only in the house. The kind of the house school like this that better be not made accustomed because of could damage the growth of the child to grouping humankind

Seburuk-buruk pembelajaran di sekolah, ia tetap merupakan kesempatan anak untuk belajar bersosialisasi. Dengan bersekolah, untuk pertama kalinya anak diinisiasi mengenal, lalu bergaul dengan orang-orang yang bukan kerabatnya. Bahkan ada kalanya di saat bersekolah itulah dia mulai belajar “berpisah” dari ibu dan bapaknya untuk belajar tegak di atas kaki sendiri, di bawah bimbingan orang-orang asing, berupa guru dan teman.

Be as bad-bad learning process in the school, he continued to be the child's opportunity to study to socialize. In a school manner, for the first time the child initiation knew, then socialised with people that not his relatives. Moreover sometimes when going to school so he began to be studying “being sparated” from the mother and his father to study erect above foot personally, under foreigners's guidance, took the form of the teacher and the friend.

Memang, di sekolah ini pula si anak akan mengalami penekanan secara mental dan fisik, mungkin ditambah gangguan dalam pelajaran pergi-pulang sekolah. Namun, bukankah hal-hal “pahit” itu merupakan gambaran nyata dari kehidupan yang bakal ditempuhnya sepanjang hayat sebagai makhluk bermasyarakat?

Indeed, in this school also the child will experience the emphasis in a mental and physical manner, possibly was increased by the disturbance in the lesson went-come home from school. However, not matters “not sweet” that was the real picture of the life that will be followed by him for the length of the life as the grouping creature

Saya bukan bermaksud melecehkan hak asasi manusia dari setiap orangtua untuk memilih sendiri jenis pendidikan bagi keturunannya. Ia hanya ingin mengingatkan, hak itu berurusan dengan manusia yang by its very nature merupakan makhluk yang bermasyarakat dan karena itu memerlukan pendidikan yang relevan untuk bisa menjadi begitu.

I not meant condescended human rights from each parent to choose personally the educational kind for his descendants. He only wanted to warn, the right did business with humankind that by its very nature was the grouping creature and because that needed education that was relevant to could become like that.

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